
E.S. Capeditiea
The Current Discography: 
ESC2367 Audio Music Series (2021-2022) (23 albums) (about 15 hours)
THWHH: Timeline A (2022) (8 albums) (over 4 hours)
THWHH: Timeline B (2022) (5 albums) (about 3 and a half hours)
THWHH: Timeline C (2022) (4 albums) (a little over 2 hours)
E(H)DM: The Discordian Year (and Floating HolyDays.) (2022) (6 albums) (a little over 2 hours)
Re:Cap: Trilogy (2023) (3 albums) (a little over 2 hours)
THWHH: Timeline D (2023) (3 albums) (a little over 2 hours) 
The Evolution of Eris Capeditiea (2009-2023) (1 album) (about an hour)
ESC2368 Audio Music Series (2023) (17 Albums) (12:34:56)
MIDI Vol. 1 (2023-present)*
Future works planned: 
THWHH: Timelines E, F, G, and H... (there may be more...) 
Cactus Evergreen Series (a parody of my favourite book series The Hunger Games.)
PR Campaign (this is the second attempt at using Prometheus Rising for a creative outlet.)

This contains 53+ albums recorded, mixed, etc ranging from Jazz to Electronic, from Medieval to Avant-Garde, from JS Bach's Counterpoint to Penderecki's Strings techniques... although using the strings voice on my KDP70 with a specific quality of Paulstretch. 
*not finished yet.

Eventually I will include a list of works performed from here... in which any could perform... i find the license things to be confusing and don't understand what it is about... just perform works... i mean you are the performer... you can offer exposure of obscure composers... (which i may be one... as my music is more of the Salon or Chamber Enthuesiests... what more can a reclusive composer ask for?) i will delete this paragraph upon the first entry, which i will share the link of the download, cd, or whatever means of platform you use... i humbly ask that you not upload any of my works to spotify, as i have disdain towards their randomization of songs/movements... like come on i want to listen to a symphony in order... not listen to a movement of Gorecki's Third then get bombarded by the William Tell Overture... i mean i have that variation of emotion in my recorded music a lot... but that is entirely different... as that was how it was intended... Gorecki's Third Symphony is a depressing piece... while William Tell Overture is like waking up in the morning amped for the day... Bipolar much? 
anyways... i will also end up posting any potential awards or achievements i have obtained at the end here... for a more professional biography... i mean i am usually at home, rarely leave the house... like maybe 1-3 times a month... silly agoraphobia with the lurking dysthymia telling me humans are mean and selfish; then trying to convince that inner voice that there are some good people out there only to see the news... then realize that my fears increase due to the major downfall of humans as a species. Ugh... so i stay inside thanks to all the childhood transphobes in my life. (which was nearly 99% of the people i met...) 

Thank You for reading... 
Eris: The Weird Reclusive Genius.